apsware core 2.8.0
apsware would like to inform you about the general availability of apsware core 2.8.0
apsware core is the universal technology framework for apsware analytics, apsware discovery, apsware job request, apsware compare and in the future also for apsware observer. apsware core 2.8.0 provides the following functional enhancements.
General "apsware core" enhancements:
- Several flowcharts and Gantt chart enhancements
- Enhanced flowchart functionality covering external dependencies to jobs in other folders via the “Unresolved Successors/Predecessors” option
- New functionality to customize the flowchart node format for long job names
- PDF export enhancements for flowcharts and Gantt charts to ensure that the entire flowchart is represented in the pdf, the graphical representation can be zoomed/minimized if necessary
- PDF tilte issues are resolved
- Enhanced apsware core installation guide, including a new section for the User Administration
"apsware analytics for Control-M" enhancements:
- Fixed problems in “Control-M Job Statistics” report
- Enhanced management of the critical path creation based on the recently introducted “EM Data Copy” retrieval of historic / past job information
"apsware discovery for IBM z Workload Scheduler" enhancements:
- New: The ability to structure and monitor real-time batch executions based on job names (new) or application names (enhanced).

- Support for unbalanced hierarchy views: Hierarchies do not have to be balanced, each layer can now contain a different number of leafs
- New color indication in the IzWS (aggregated) status monitoring to identify jobs which run longer than expected (in time / not in time)

"apsware job request for Control-M" enhancements:
- Enterprise Manager Import: New feature to import a container and its requests to the Enterprise Manager
- New field “Dummy” for SysOsVariable: OS Jobs can now be marked as dummy by means of a new checkbox
"apsware discovery for Control-M" enhancements:
- Enhanced paging in the job search
- Added reference to seperate Flowchart Guide
- Removed same job being listed several times
New component: "apsware observer" is in beta status, available for selected customers only:
- End-to-end monitoring for mixed automation environments
- More information will follow soon
Additional enhancements and corrections are listed in the apsware core 2.8.0 release notes and documentation, which are part of the installation package.
apsware core 2.8.0 – including software, release notes and documentation – is available now from the
If you do not have access to the download area or if you have any other questions, please