Solutions by

apsware solutions
Solutions for Control-M
Complement BMC Software’s leading Control-M Digital Business Automation platform with value added solutions from apsware.
Empower Control-M experts and business users,
provide automation metrics to everyone who needs to know and
facilitate change requests to ensure that automation requirements get implemented in a productive and agile way.
for Control-M
within your Organization
for Control-M Experts
Solutions for IBM z Workload Scheduler
Enhance your IBM z Workload Scheduler (aka: IWS, IzWS, IWS for z/OS, IWSz, TWS, OPC) environment with essential tools from apsware:
Provide job documentation, metrics, real-time status, SLA reports and critical-path analysis to everyone who needs to know.
ReThink traditional monitoring and operating activities and boost quality and productivity.
for IWS Experts
Solutions for Automic
With Broadcom’s Automic Workload Automation, you can automate complex and mission critical workflows.
Solutions from apsware allow you to better visualize and automatically document Automic workflows.
Business Users are enabled to follow and understand their automated processes without bothering the Automic experts.
Immediate Insights and Automated Visual Documentation
for Automic
Self-Service Automation Monitoring and Reporting
for Automic