apsware Strategic Partners

Strategic Partners

Strategic Partners of apsware

apsware works with the leading Workload Automation technology providers and has following strategic partners:

BMC_Elite Partner

BMC Software

apsware is the leading “Elite Partner” of BMC Software for the Control-M Digital Business Automation area. In close partnership with BMC Software, apsware offers Control-M licensing, support, education and consulting services to their customers in the European Union and the United States.

apsware also provides leading value added solutions to Control-M, like apsware analytics, apsware job request and apsware visualjob. 

Broadcom - strategic partners of apsware


apsware has in-depth knowledge and experience in Broadcom’s Automic product suite. 

Through a development partnership with Broadcom, apsware developed and supports leading value-added solutions for Automic. 



IBM - strategic partners of apsware


apsware is a development partner of IBM in the Workload Automation area. 

apsware has deveoped leading solutions for the IBM z Workload Scheduler, like apsware analytics, apsware visualjob, apsware emon and apsware easy.

Some of the largest IBM z Workload Scheduling users significantly benefit from the apsware solutions.