apsware analytics for Control-M and IBM Workload Scheduler

Release Notes core, analytics 2.3.1

apsware job request for Control-M and IWS/TWS

apsware analytics 2.3.1

apsware would like to inform you about the general availability of apsware analytics 2.3.1

apsware analytics is now part of the apsware core architecture and provides significant enhancements:


  • Performance improvements
  • Greater flexibility of the dashboard layout
  • Ability to create tabs for dedicated groups and/or departments
  • Significantly enhanced Active Directory / LDAP integration.
  • Integration with other apsware core products:
    apsware job request
    apsware discovery
    apsware compare
apsware analytics for IWS and Control-M - Dashboard overview

 We recommend installing this new release as soon as possible.

apsware analytics 2.3.1, including software and documentation, is available from the

If you do not have access to the download area or if you have any other questions, please