apsware core 2.6.0
apsware would like to inform you about the general availability of apsware core 2.6.0
apsware core is the universal technology framework for apsware analytics, apsware discovery, apsware job request and apsware compare.
apsware core 2.6.0 provides the following functional enhancements.
Enhancements to "apsware job request for Control-M"
- New: JobRequest API.
The API enables you to create change requests without touching the GUI. You can now create and send multiple request containers, each containing multiple actual change/creation/deletion requests just by sending a single JSON object to the API.
The entire process of logging in, creating the containers and requests and finally sending the containers will be automated for you. - System parameter enhancements, support of all “actions”
- MetaDataOverview enhancements
- Improved validation of forms, more details in error situations
- Flowchart and Ganttchart improvements
- Flowchart: export function in SVG, PNG and PDF format
- Flowchart: additional information in Treeview structure
- Flowchart: multi language support
Enhancements to "apsware analytics for Control-M", using the new EM Data Copy process to aquire data from Control-M
- Multi language support in dialogs
- Flowchart and Ganttchart improvements
- Improved data source administration
- Field “Job Description” is available in the Job SLA and StartJob/Endjob Runtime Report
- Flowchart: export function in SVG, PNG and PDF format
- Flowchart: additional information in Treeview structure
- Flowchart: job duration and gab between predecessor and successor are displayed
Enhancements to "apsware analytics for IWS"
- Multi language support in dialogs
- More information from the IWS real-time data collector (for future use)
Enhancements to "apsware discovery for Control-M"
- Flowchart and Ganttchart improvements
- Flowchart: export function in SVG, PNG and PDF format
- Flowchart: additional information in Treeview structure
- Flowchart: multi language support
Additional enhancements and corrections are listed in the apsware core 2.6.0 release notes, which is part of the installation package
apsware core 2.6.0, including software and documentation, is available from the downloads area below:
If you do not have access to the download area or if you have any other questions, please