apsware automation day BeNeLux 2025
03th April 2025 in Tilburg (NL)
Over the past few years, you have successfully advanced digital automation in your company with our support. After many emails, phone calls, web sessions, and virtual exchanges, it’s time to talk in person.
We invite you to the apsware automation day on 3th April 2025 in van der Falk Hotel, Tilburg.
We will present exciting and innovative topics in a modern, relaxed environment. Topics will include:
- Trends in automation
- Best practices – practical examples in automation projects
- Automation case studies
- New technologies from the apsware Labs
- Exchange between users
The event is free of charge. Please register as soon as possible, as the contingent is limited.
03th April 2025
from 10:00 a.m.
in Tilburg – van der Valk Exclusief Hotel, Dr. Bloemenlaan 8
We are currently preparing the agenda. As soon as it is available, you can download it here.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Register now:

The location
The event will take place at the Van der Valk Hotel in Tilburg – exactly in the middle between the metropolises Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Brussels – and the apsware Headquarter in Mönchengladbach, Germany
The address is:
Van der Valk Hotel
Dr. Bloemenlaan 8
5022KW Tilburg