apsware visualjob 9.8.6 for Control-M
apsware would like to inform you about the general availability of visualjob 9.8.6. for Control-M
We have enhanced the functionality of visualjob for Control-M in the following areas.
Enhancements in version 9.8.6
- ApsDashboardVjModeService for Control-M with SQL Server Authentication (Setup.exe V 1.3.0 and VjDashboardServiceSetup.msi ).
- Different DATETYPE formats for different Datacenter
- Import defined services from an external VISUALjob for Control-M database
- ApsDashboardVjModeService: define more than one SQL Server statistic database
- Check if all tables and table fields are existent in the current CTM project
- SSL Encryption SQL-Server-DB
- Support Passwords > 16 characters and individual passwords per SQL-Server-DB
- Enlarge ‘User Name’ length up to 50 characters
We recommend upgrading to this new version as soon as possible.
Note: If you are running Control-M version 8 or 9 on distributed systems (non z/OS) and you are using Group Scheduling / Smart Folders, please re-import all available CTMLOGs (DBparser not required) via visualstatman for Control-M SQL Server. If you are not performing this re-import, statistical data for Group Entities / Smart Folders may be incomplete.
apsware visual job 9.8.6 for Control-M, including software and documentation, is available from the
If you do not have access to the download area or if you have any other questions, please